We are proud to announce that we have been awarded the Gold PBIS Implementation Award!
RCE Open House
RCE Open House will be held on Thursday, March 13th. Tour your child's classroom and the school: see curriculum projects, art activities, work in progress, and more.
20 Day Attendance Challenge
Win a pizza party! Every class that has no absences or tardies will receive a point for their class!
RCE Trifold 2024-2025
Strengthening Families Program
The Strengthening Families Program is an evidence-based family skills training program for high-risk and general population families that is recognized both nationally and internationally.
Independent Studies
If your student will be absent from school for a period of 3-14 consecutive school days due to travel or another reason, please contact your students school office at least 10 school days prior to the leave of absence to request an Independent Study Agreement.
PBIS Matrix 2024-2025
Staff will be teaching and reviewing behavior expectations throughout our campus. Please take a few minutes to review these with your child, as well.
Parent Calendar 2024-2025
This is a living document and it will be updated as new events are planned. A hard copy will be sent home every month. We hope that it will be a good communication tool so that you know what will be happening at RCE. It is recommended that you bookmark this link so that you can have quick access to it through-out the school year.
Parent/Family Volunteering Opportunities
Volunteers help to encourage a stronger school/community relationships and demonstrate the importance of community service to our students.